The Authority and Significance
of God's Incarnation
Man's stature, knowledge,
love, and loyalty,
obedience, and all that man sees
have come from judgment by the word.
Your faith stands because of His word.
Through this man sees
There is much beyond man's grasp:
great mysteries and wonders all around.
And therefore many have submitted.
None surpass the judgment of His word,
and no darkness
prevails over His authority.
Man submits because of His incarnation,
His authority,
and judgment from His word.
Those who have never submitted
kneel to God
when confronted by His word.
They bend to the judgment of His word,
never scrutinizing
or judging with their tongue.
God's flesh appears as if He's ordinary,
but His words show man
His full authority.
He is God Himself,
His words express this.
None can offend Him, He is God in flesh.
God incarnate delivers His words,
so all with ears may hear
and receive His judgment.
God does not frighten man
into submission
by showing Himself in spirit form.
Man's true disposition,
though hidden deep,
is revealed by this real
and unique work,
so man may recognize it and change.
God's judgment is practical
and is delivered by the word.
This is the authority and significance
of God's incarnation.
This is the authority and significance
of God's incarnation.
None surpass the judgment of His word,
and no darkness prevails
over His authority.
Man submits because of His incarnation,
His authority,
and judgment from His word.
His incarnation, His authority,
and judgment from His word.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
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