Unyazi LwaseMpumalanga, uNkulunkulu uSomandla ungukubuya okwesibili kweNkosi uJesu. Izimvu zikaNkulunkulu ziyalizwa iphimbo likaNkulunkulu. Uma nje ufunda amazwi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla, uzobona ukuthi uNkulunkulu usevelile! Siyabamukela bonke abafuna iqiniso ukuba beze lapha bazobona.
Kuboniswa okuthunyelwe okunelebula uNkulunkulu uSomandla. Bonisa konke okuthunyelwe
Kuboniswa okuthunyelwe okunelebula uNkulunkulu uSomandla. Bonisa konke okuthunyelwe
ULwesihlanu, Disemba 22, 2017
God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (II) God's Righteous Disposition" 02 (Stage Version)
Almighty God says, "His hands are warm and strong; His footsteps are light; His voice is soft and graceful; His form passes and turns, embracing all of mankind; His countenance is beautiful and gentle. He has never left, nor has He vanished. From dawn to dusk, He is mankind’s constant companion. His devoted care and special affection for humanity, as well as His true concern and love for man, were displayed bit by bit when He saved the city of Nineveh. In particular, the exchange between Jehovah God and Jonah laid barer the Creator’s pity for the mankind He Himself created.
ULwesihlanu, Septhemba 15, 2017
God With Me | Short Film "Escape from the Devil's Den"
Her name is Zhang Hui and she is a Christian belonging to the Church of Almighty God. Since she believed in God, she was secretively monitored by the Chinese Communist government and captured by their police. The police forced her to sell out the leaders of the church as well as the church's finances. They attempted to use her family ties as a weapon in attacking her emotionally.
The Church of Almighty God | Short Film "God Does Not Have the Heart to Let Me Fall into Hades"
Born in a Christian family, he has longed for light and goodness since childhood. Working so hard and striving to be strong, he was promoted from an ordinary policeman to Chief of the Public Security Division of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. However, in this dark and evil society, he was drawn into the abyss of sin and gradually became cold-blooded and ruthless and became a puppet and accomplice of the evil power. Almighty God’s salvation knocked at his heart one time after another, and finally he was conquered by the word of Almighty God and walked out of the dark hell on earth step by step. It is Almighty God’s word that awakened his numb heart. From then on, he walked onto the right way of human life.
The Cowardly Cannot Enter the Kingdom of Heaven | "The Three-Self Church Is My Umbrella"
One time, the Chinese Communist government captured many Christians of the Church of Almighty God from a particular location late at night. This matter caused a huge commotion locally. It triggered discussions amongst the members of the Three-Self Church. Some people believed that the Eastern Lightning has suffered the Chinese Communist government's cruel suppression and persecution.
Hymns Concert "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 13": The Descent of God’s Kingdom (3)
God's chosen people are singing and dancing with joy to celebrate God's triumph over Satan and His kingdom's appearance on earth. Almighty God has revealed the mystery of the six-thousand-year management plan to man. Focus on God’s work of the last days and the fate of mankind, focus on Chinese Choir of the Church of Almighty God Episode 13.
Gospel Movie clip "Song of Victory" (6) - The Path That Leads to Purification and Salvation
How does God's work of judgment in the last days purify and save man? How do we actually undergo God's judgment and chastisement so that we can attain the truth, the life, and become worthy of salvation and enter the kingdom of heaven? This video will tell you the answers, and point you towards the path to entering the kingdom of heaven.
Nentuthuko YeBandla LikaNkulunkulu USomandla
IBandla likaNkulunkulu uSomandla laqala ukuba khona ngenxa yokubonakala nemisebenzi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla—iNkosi ebuyile uJesu—uKristu wezinsuku zokugcina, futhi ngaphansi kokwahlulela Kwakhe kokulunga kanye nokusola. Ibandla linabo bonke abamukela umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla wezinsuku zokugcina futhi banqotshwa futhi basindiswa yizwi likaNkulunkulu. Kwasungulwa uNkulunkulu uSomandla ngoKwakhe, futhi kuholwa futhi kweluswe Nguye, futhi akekho umuntu owayengakwenza. Leli yiqiniso eliqashelwa yibo bonke abakhethiweyo eBandleni likaNkulunkulu uSomandla.
Funda Okwengeziwe: IBandla likaNkulunkulu uSomandla
INkosi UJesu Yabuya | Ukwethulwa kwe-App Yebandla LikaNkulunkulu USomandla
Unyazi LwaseMpumalanga, uNkulunkulu uSomandla ungukubuya okwesibili kweNkosi uJesu. Izimvu zikaNkulunkulu ziyalizwa iphimbo likaNkulunkulu. Uma nje ufunda amazwi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla, uzobona ukuthi uNkulunkulu usevelile! Siyabamukela bonke abafuna iqiniso ukuba beze lapha bazobona.
Okunye okuqukethwe kuvela:
Circle Burst Assets Green Screen Circle 3 Fast(https://youtu.be/HRByxy6Gy7Q) by HD Green Screen/CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
Green Screen Motion Element 10(https://youtu.be/N28E7Qf7Kdc) by HD Green Screen//CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
I-App yeBandla likaNkulunkulu uSomandla
Samukela labo abomele iqiniso nabafuna ukubona uNkulunkulu ukuba badawunilode i-App yethu!

Xhumana Nathi:

Xhumana Nathi:
ULwesithathu, Agasti 2, 2017
Kulowo Abantu Okumele Bamphilele
Kulowo Abantu Okumele Bamphilele
Bekungacacile ukuthi abantu kumele baphilele bani. Manje sengiyitholile impendulo.
Bengijwayele ukuziphilela mina, ngifuna kuphela isithunzi nodumo.
Ukuthandaza kuNkulunkulu kugcwalise amazwi amahle, kuyilapho ngibambelele endleleni yami yokuphila yangempela.
UNkulunkulu Uyisiqalo futhi Uyisiphetho
Gospel Choir "UNkulunkulu Uyisiqalo futhi Uyisiphetho" UNkulunkulu Ufikile uNkulunkulu Ubusile
UNkulunkulu uyiSiqalo,
UNkulunkulu uyiSiqalo,
UNkulunkulu uyiSiqalo,
UNkulunkulu Otshalayo,
UNkulunkulu Otshalayo,
UNkulunkulu Otshalayo,
Futhi Ungumvuni (Umvuni).
UMsombuluko, Julayi 31, 2017
Ukube Angisindiswanga uNkulunkulu
South African Best gospel Dance "Ukube Angisindiswanga uNkulunkulu"
Ukube angisindiswanga uNkulunkulu, ngabe ngisaqhubeka nokukhukhuleka nale lizwe,
ngilwa kanzima nakabuhlungu esonweni; usuku nosuku ngifiphazeke futhi ngingenathemba.
Ukube angisindiswanga uNkulunkulu, ngabe ngisanyathelwe ngaphansi kwezinyawo zikadeveli,
ngibanjwe esonweni nasezinjabulweni zaso, nginganaki ukuthi ukuphila kwami kuyoba njani.
Ukube angisindiswanga uNkulunkulu, ngabe ngisaqhubeka nokukhukhuleka nale lizwe,
ngilwa kanzima nakabuhlungu esonweni; usuku nosuku ngifiphazeke futhi ngingenathemba.
Ukube angisindiswanga uNkulunkulu, ngabe ngisanyathelwe ngaphansi kwezinyawo zikadeveli,
ngibanjwe esonweni nasezinjabulweni zaso, nginganaki ukuthi ukuphila kwami kuyoba njani.
Ukulahla Izibopho Zemicabango Ekhona Ngezenkolo: Gqashula Amaketango (Iziqeshana)
Ukulahla Izibopho Zemicabango Ekhona Ngezenkolo: Gqashula Amaketango (Iziqeshana)
UFu Jinhua wayeyilungu elidala lebandla eliqhutshwa endlini eChina. Njengamanye amaKristu amaningi, wazinikela ngokuzimisela okukhulu wazinikela eNkosini, futhi wayisebenzela ngokuzikhandla. Wayezethemba, futhi wayecabanga ukuthi ungumuntu oyithanda ngempela iNkosi. Emuva kokulandela iNkosi iminyaka eminingi, wayekholwa ngenhliziyo yakhe yonke ukuthi iBhayibheli laligqugquzelwe uNkulunkulu, futhi wonke amazwi eBhayibheli kwakungamazwi kaNkulunkulu. Ngakho, emqondweni wakhe, wayelinganisa ukukholelwa eNkosini nokukholelwa eBhayibhelini.
ULwesithathu, Julayi 19, 2017
Ingoma Yothando Olumnandi
Ingoma Yothando Olumnandi
Ekujuleni kwenhliziyo yami, kukhona uthando lwaKho. Lumnandi kakhulu, ngisondela Kuwe.
Ukunakekela Wena kwenza kube mnandi enhliziyweni yami; ukukhonza Wena ngayo yonke ingqondo yami.
ULwesihlanu, Julayi 7, 2017
Zulu Gospel Song "Ngilubonile Uthando LukaNkulunkulu" Qala Impilo Entsha
Zulu Gospel Song "Ngilubonile Uthando LukaNkulunkulu" Qala Impilo Entsha
INgizwa izwi elijwayelekile lilokhu lingibiza.
Ngaphaphama ukuze ngibone, ukuthi ubani lo okhulumayo.
Izwi laKhe lipholile kodwa linohlonze, isithombe saKhe sihle!
Uyahlushwa futhi ubekezelela ubuhlungu obukhulu, egonwa yisandla saKhe esinothando. Ngase ngiqaphela ukuthi uMninimandla onke engilwa naye.
UMgqibelo, Juni 10, 2017
Almighty God's Word "The Millennial Kingdom Has Arrived"
Almighty God says, "The arrival of the Millennial Kingdom on earth is the arrival of God’s words on earth. New Jerusalem’s descent from heaven is the arrival of God’s words to live among man, to accompany man’s every action, and all his inmost thoughts. This is also the fact that God will accomplish, and the wonderful scene of the Millennial Kingdom. This is the plan set by God: His words will appear on earth for a thousand years, and they will manifest all of His deeds, and complete all of His work on earth, after which this stage of mankind shall come to an end."
Read more: https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/the-...
The Authority and Significance of God's Incarnation
The Authority and Significance of God's Incarnation
Man's stature, knowledge, love, and loyalty, obedience, and all that man sees have come from judgment by the word. Your faith stands because of His word. Through this man sees God's amazing work. There is much beyond man's grasp: great mysteries and wonders all around. And therefore many have submitted. None surpass the judgment of His word, and no darkness prevails over His authority. Man submits because of His incarnation, His authority, and judgment from His word.
ULwesithathu, Juni 7, 2017
The Hymn of Life Experience "Through Thick and Thin, Faithful Till Death"
Through Thick and Thin, Faithful Till Death
From heaven to the earth, hiding in the flesh. Working among men, through winds and rains. Taking a rough path, open a new age. To redeem mankind, lay down Your life and shed blood. Wind and rain, so many years. Forsaken by every man. Humble and hidden, enduring all along. Humble and hidden, enduring all along.
The Hymn of Life Experience "Song of Heartfelt Attachment"
A Song of Heartfelt Attachment
Here is One, He is God in the flesh.
What He says, what He does, all is the truth.
His wisdom, His righteousness, I love them all.
Meeting Him, having Him, I am so blessed.
ISonto, Juni 4, 2017
Almighty God's Word "How to Know Reality" | The Church of Almighty God
Almighty God says, "If people are to know God, they must first know that God is the real God, and must know God’s words, God’s real appearance in the flesh, and God’s real work. Only after knowing that all of God’s work is real will you be able to actually cooperate with God, and only through this path will you be able to achieve the growth of your life. All those who have no knowledge of reality have no means of experiencing God’s words, they are ensnared in their conceptions, they live in their imagination, and thus they have no knowledge of God’s words. The greater your knowledge of reality, the closer you are to God, and the more intimate you are with Him; the more you seek vagueness and abstraction, and doctrine, the further you will stray from God, and so the more you will feel that experiencing God’s words is strenuous and difficult, and that you are incapable of entry. If you wish to enter the reality of God’s words, and onto the right track of your spiritual life, you must first know reality and separate yourself from vague and supernatural things—which is to say, first you must understand how the Holy Spirit actually enlightens and guides you from within. In this way, if you can truly grasp the Holy Spirit’s real work within you, you will have entered onto the right track of being made perfect by God."
Read more: https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/how-to-know-reality/
UMgqibelo, Juni 3, 2017
Love God Without Complaints | "Follow God Along the Rough Path"
Follow God Along the Rough Path
You spend yourself for God, I devote myself to Him,
forsaken by family, slandered by the world.
The path to follow God is not easy at all.
I put all my heart and soul into expanding the kingdom of God.
I have seen the turning of the seasons.
I welcome the joy and sorrow ahead.
To satisfy God’s requirements, I obey His arrangements.
I’ll suffer all my life. I will satisfy God’s heart!
I’ll suffer all my life. I will satisfy God’s heart!
Sing and Dance Joyfully to Praise God | "All Nations and All Peoples Praise Almighty God" (MV)
Sing and Dance Happily to Praise God | "All Nations and All Peoples Praise Almighty God" (MV)
God was incarnated as Almighty God, expressing the truth to judge and purify man.
Now God has gained victory over the forces of Satan,
God has conquered and gained a group of people.
Praise God, almighty and wise, He has defeated Satan.
Bhalisa ku:
Okuthunyelwe (Atom)