Unyazi LwaseMpumalanga, uNkulunkulu uSomandla ungukubuya okwesibili kweNkosi uJesu. Izimvu zikaNkulunkulu ziyalizwa iphimbo likaNkulunkulu. Uma nje ufunda amazwi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla, uzobona ukuthi uNkulunkulu usevelile! Siyabamukela bonke abafuna iqiniso ukuba beze lapha bazobona.
Kuboniswa okuthunyelwe okunelebula Iziqephu Zamavidiyo Ekwaya. Bonisa konke okuthunyelwe
Kuboniswa okuthunyelwe okunelebula Iziqephu Zamavidiyo Ekwaya. Bonisa konke okuthunyelwe
ULwesithathu, Okthoba 31, 2018
Gospel Video "UNkulunkulu Uphethe Ubukhosi Phezu Kwesimiselo Sawo Onke Amazwe Nabantu Bonke"
Gospel Video "UNkulunkulu Uphethe Ubukhosi Phezu Kwesimiselo Sawo Onke Amazwe Nabantu Bonke"
UMbuso wamaRoma wasendulo noMbuso wamaNgisi yachuma futhi yaba namandla ngokushesha yase futhi iphenduka iya ekuweni nasencithakalweni.
ULwesihlanu, Septhemba 15, 2017
Hymns Concert "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 13": The Descent of God’s Kingdom (3)
God's chosen people are singing and dancing with joy to celebrate God's triumph over Satan and His kingdom's appearance on earth. Almighty God has revealed the mystery of the six-thousand-year management plan to man. Focus on God’s work of the last days and the fate of mankind, focus on Chinese Choir of the Church of Almighty God Episode 13.
Bhalisa ku:
Okuthunyelwe (Atom)